In a gunfight with Huang Xiaoming in the dark, Ren Xianqi was shot in the right eye and sent to the hospital (Photos)

Ren Xianqi, who has been busy working on the new drama "Sharpshooter" recently, was suspected of getting bullet chips in his right eye when shooting the gunfight scene with Huang Xiaoming, one of the protagonists, in the early morning of yesterday. On the spot, he was in great pain and burst into tears. He covered his eyes with his hands, which scared the director to stop the phone and sent him to the hospital for treatment overnight.

"Blood case" scene

    Xiao Qi recently came to Hong Kong to shoot the new drama "Sharpshooter" directed by Lin Chaoxian. The night before, the crew filmed an all-night drama on Hong Kong Island. The plot to be filmed was that during the shooting of the chase scene between Xiao Qi and Huang Xiaoming, Huang Xiaoming was about to shoot and kill the actor next to Xiao Qi. When the pistol was fired, Xiao Qi’s right eye was suspected of being hit by bullet clippings, and he burst into tears on the spot. He felt very painful and covered his right eye with both hands. The director stopped the phone when he saw it. He went forward to check Xiao Qi’s injury. The staff cleaned him with water, and then found that his right eye was very red and swollen, and then sent him to the hospital for treatment.

  Injured start

    At about 1:30 a.m. yesterday, the reporter found Xiao Qi’s assistant outside the emergency room at the Sanatorium and Hospital, so he stepped forward to ask him about Xiao Qi’s injury. Just as the assistant said that Xiao Qi was fine, before he finished speaking, Xiao Qi, whose right eye was wrapped in gauze, stepped out of the emergency room with a painful expression. The reporter asked how his injury was. He said: "The situation is not very serious, thank you for your concern, I have to rush back to the set to shoot now." Then Xiao Qi boarded the nanny car and left. It is known that the filming time of the film is very urgent, and he will leave Hong Kong to shoot later. In order not to affect the shooting progress, Xiao Qi still insists on continuing to work.

Xiao Qi came out with his eyes covered

Xiao Qi said the injury was not serious

    The reporter called Xiao Qi yesterday to express his condolences for his injuries. He said: "I was really worried at the time, but after the doctor’s examination, he thought it was fine and there were no fragments. He prescribed eye drops and told me to rest for a few days. If I feel uncomfortable, I will go back for follow-up treatment first. Everyone didn’t want this accident, everyone was so nervous, and I was embarrassed. Fortunately, after the examination, I was relieved. I didn’t have my part today. Now I go home to rest, and I have to go back to Taiwan to start work tomorrow."


Xiao Qi returns home to rest

(Source: Sohu Entertainment)

Editor in charge: Wei Liangchun