Space-time big data: Let commercial banks also use their own "navigation"

  With the rise of a new round of technological and industrial revolution, the global economic form is gradually moving towards digital transformation, the wide application of digital technology and the vigorous development of Internet finance have broken the information barriers of traditional banks, and the boundaries between finance and technology have become increasingly blurred.

  In terms of traditional bank retail and credit business, in the fields of rural revitalization and inclusive finance supported by the Banking Financial Institution Group, and in the scenario finance where the banking industry is gradually making efforts, the digital transformation of banks is gradually realizing the transformation and empowerment of results. At the same time, banks can make full use of digital technology spillover to improve internal operation efficiency and risk management capabilities, thereby reducing the risk-bearing level of commercial banks and restraining banking system risks.

  Digital development is also reflected in map technology. From traditional paper maps to digital maps, from simple directions to providing reference for all aspects of daily life such as travel and visits… With the continuous advancement of technology, digital map technology has brought new possibilities for the presentation and application of maps.

  So what new stories will happen when banking meets digital mapping technology?

  Taking Autonavi Maps as an example, as a domestic digital map content, navigation and location-based service solution provider, Autonavi Maps currently forms a space-time big data service system with unique value in the industry based on a rich map ecosystem. Under the wave of digital transformation in the financial industry, Autonavi Maps, which intends to apply technology to reality and empower economic and social development, has accumulated in depth in basic capabilities, product services and scenario solutions with years of experience, forming a support capability for various business scenarios of corporate credit of Financial Institution Group.

  Specifically, the Autonavi map provides a spatiotemporal big data base for the financial industry, and assists the Financial Institution Group to form an internal map center platform through the basic ability of mirroring the Autonavi map under the premise of ensuring data security, to support the digital transformation of various businesses; at the same time, the ecological scene based on the Autonavi map forms a spatiotemporal big data service, which can provide valuable information reference for commercial banks in popular business scenarios such as consumer finance, inclusive finance, and rural revitalization.

  Recently, a seminar with the theme of empowering commercial banks with digital transformation based on spatial and temporal big data showed us a new way for map service companies to empower banks with digital transformation based on data capabilities.

  Bankers attending the meeting believed that empowering banks with digital map technology and data capabilities for digital transformation and business development has great potential in the field of rural revitalization. "At this stage, although there are many rural commercial banks in our country that have been established for a long time, their business expansion capabilities are limited. Moreover, with the rapid development of big data technology, the way rural commercial banks relied on manpower to expand their business in the past has been greatly impacted, not only the cost is high, but also they no longer have operational and competitive advantages. At the same time, rural commercial banks are also facing the competitive pressure of the sinking service focus of large banks, so there is an urgent need to rely on the actual local situation to carry out digital transformation and upgrade, and use spatiotemporal big data to improve the quality and efficiency of business services." An industry insider in a rural commercial bank said.

  When smaller banks do not have the capital and technical capacity to develop the "hardware equipment" required for digital transformation development alone, relying on professional third parties to customize standardized products becomes the best choice. "In recent years, we have continued to increase investment in technology, but compared with large banks, our strength is still weak. We have also realized in the process of development that professional things should still be done by professional people, which can not only reduce our R & D costs, but also match technology with our business more quickly, and combine technology and finance more perfectly to better serve the people’s livelihood and economic development." The above-mentioned agricultural commercial bank industry insider said.

  At this seminar, experts from different fields talked about the feasible combination of digital map technology and digital transformation in the banking industry from their own fields of expertise.

  For example, some experts suggest that commercial banks can use big data analytics to provide data such as the scope and frequency of activities of surrounding residents, providing a feasible reference for the location of new outlets. In addition, banks can also carry out more targeted grid marketing according to the distribution of surrounding communities.

  At the seminar, the solution architects of Autonavi Maps explained the company’s overall plan to empower banks with digital transformation based on data capabilities. They first introduced Autonavi’s mature data empowerment capabilities in consumer finance scenarios, and proposed that this capability can be applied to assist banking institutions in achieving cost reduction and efficiency under current regulatory compliance requirements. Secondly, the solution architects explained in detail from marketing digitalization to digital intelligence solutions, and combined with the case of human and local data landing in small and micro banking scenarios to conduct in-depth analysis, especially for inclusive financial services that currently lack industry-specific data. Autonavi Map said that it can use its natural advantages in small and micro business scenario data to assist banking institutions to supplement the industry data of sinking customer groups. Based on the existing small and micro business scenario landing cases of Autonavi Map, it brings new ideas for inclusive financial solutions from the perspective of maps to banking institutions. In addition, Autonavi Map also deeply analyzes the business structure and application cases of Autonavi Map in financial risk control scenarios from the perspective of new applications of spatiotemporal big data to help financial risk control.

  In fact, at this stage, there are many scenarios where the digital transformation of commercial banks can be combined with spatiotemporal big data.

  At the above seminar, experts said that one of the keys to the digital transformation of commercial banks is from digitalization to digital intelligence. The core of the development of digital intelligence of banks is to build a decision engine system with banking characteristics, and convert data into productivity through the decision engine system. He compared data to oil, decision engine to engine, "data + decision engine" will gradually be applied to the intelligent operation of banking business, intelligent customer group marketing, and intelligent risk control. Among them, the digital marketing of banks will quickly enter the era of digital intelligence marketing.

  When introducing the digital intelligence marketing system, the expert detailed three banking application scenarios and cases: real-time event marketing decision-making, customer group mass marketing decision-making, and behavioral event tracking data marketing decision-making. He also said that the implementation of bank key customer group marketing through the marketing decision engine and insight into customer behavior precision marketing will greatly improve operational efficiency and drive business growth.

  The rapid development of technology has allowed people to witness and experience a lot of good life. The combination of technology and finance not only facilitates banks to conduct business, but also brings better service experience to customers. Over the years, we have witnessed too many miracles created by technology. Moreover, technology also has the unique charm of being able to connect two seemingly completely unrelated things. Just as the combination of time and space big data and banking business can better empower the development of banking business, I hope that the continuous development of financial technology in the future can also create more and better life scenarios for us.