Wang fried Easter eggs! Andy Lau appeared in "Detective Chinatown 3" and the audience exclaimed

1905 movie network news The family comedy blockbuster, written and directed by writers, is being screened all over the country, and many viewers have watched it more than once. "The details are worth studying, and some places will be understood after the second brush." The movie not only makes people laugh, but also explores the black and white of human nature, the reflection of war and other propositions, leaving a space for thought after laughter.

Q’s identity used to be the biggest suspense before the show, and when the mystery was lifted little by little, the process of getting close to the truth was very exciting and exciting. The final appearance was completely unexpected, becoming "Fried Easter Egg". This also made many viewers still unsatisfied and look forward to the development of the follow-up plot.

The elevator section is full of laughter

Humanity is worth a detailed portrait

Tang Ren and Qin Feng’s contrasting partner landed in Tokyo this time, bringing an original sense of Tang Tan’s joy. The addition of the new Asian detective doubled the number of laughs, "all men, women and children in the audience were laughing". Especially the classic paragraph of the elevator, "Fraudulent Corpse", scared the serious police officer and gang boss, and the audience really commented: "I am a person with a high laugh point, I can’t help but laugh when I see it", "I laughed until I rolled around and almost slipped off the seat".

In addition to jokes, the analysis of human nature is also a consistent style of the "Tang Detective" series. From the origami of Sinuo, who is both good and evil in "Tang Detective 1", to the classic line of Song Yi in "Tang Detective 2" "But when you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you", all of which are thought-provoking. In "Tang Detective 3", the "game sessions" set by Q for Qin Feng are also full of human tests, especially in the grand and gloomy Dragon Q Hall, where Qin Feng is forced to face the choice of "killing".

Andy Lau appeared on the scene and exclaimed

The appearance of the Q organization detonates expectations

The easter egg of the movie "Tang Detective 3" can be described as "Wang fried", which not only revealed that Q is not a person, but an organization, but also Andy Lau appeared, causing a "wow" sound. During the previous chat, director Chen Sicheng mentioned that Andy Lau has always wanted to interpret an enjoyable villain later, and this time the Q setting just satisfies this point, and it will be a different villain.

There was no shortage of enthusiastic discussion and speculation from the audience about "Liu Tianwang": whether Andy Lau will appear in the future works of the "Tang Detective" series, and what kind of story will Q and the Asian Detective League play. The super easter egg made the audience look forward to the next "Tang Detective" movie or online drama. "China’s own original IP movie will continue to support it as always!"