229 million! Wanda is frozen again

Recently, the reporter learned from Tianyancha App that Guangda Xinglong Trust Co., Ltd. and Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd. and other non-litigation property preservation review rulings were made public.

Documents show that Guangda Xinglong Trust Co., Ltd. applied to the court for pre-litigation property preservation.Request to freeze the remaining yuan bank deposits under the name of the respondent Wanda Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd. 229 million or seize and seize other property of equal value.

After review, the court found that the application complied with the law and ruled to execute it.If the above deposits are insufficient, the real estate, land use rights, and equity of the respondent, Wuhan Wanda Donghu Real Estate Co., Ltd., and Wuhan Wanda Cultural Tourism Real Estate Co., Ltd., will be seized

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It is understood that on June 5, Wanda Group added two new equity freezing information, the equity was executed by the target enterprises are Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company (referred to as "Dalian Wanda Commercial Management"), the total amount of frozen equity is about 1.979 billion yuan, the freezing period from June 5, 2023 to June 4, 2026, the reason for the freezing is property preservation.

On June 8, on the "Dalian Wanda Commercial Management 1.90 billion equity was frozen", Wanda Group released a statement on the official website saying that Wanda Real Estate Group and an enterprise have cooperated in a large-scale project in Changchun, and there are still about 1 billion yuan in financial disputes between the two parties; when Wanda Commercial Management introduced investors in 2018, Wanda Commercial Management 4.527 billion equity was valued at 243 billion yuan at that time, which is public information. The freezing of Wanda Commercial Management 1.90 billion equity greatly exceeds the amount of financial disputes between the two parties.

Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group joint stock company was established in September 2002, the legal representative is Zhang Lin, the registered capital is 4.527 billion yuan, Dalian Wanda Group Inc., Ltd. is the largest shareholder, the shareholding ratio of 52.97%.


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