Accelerate the innovation of the space intelligent industry! Huawei Whole House Intelligence debuts at HDC 2024

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, big data and other technologies, the space intelligence industry is ushering in unprecedented development opportunities. However, there are still obvious limitations in the development of the entire industry. For the majority of consumers, there is a lack of intelligent space solutions that can provide both a sense of advanced and personalized customization in the market. For practitioners in the industry, limited interfaces and expansion technologies limit the upgrade of development experience. Even for designers, there is a lack of intelligent and beautiful space intelligence solutions to give full play to their creativity.

In this context, Huawei Whole House Intelligence has brought new solutions with its forward-looking insights. At this year’s HDC 2024, Huawei Whole House Intelligence, as one of the "largest" members in the Hongmeng ecosystem, showcased its latest technological achievements and solutions to developers, partners, consumers, and designers on the core topics of building a sense of space advanced, opening up the whole house to the north, applying technology innovation fields, and upgrading the technology innovation and experience of the next version of Hongmeng for smart life.

For developers, Huawei Whole House Intelligence not only provides richer interfaces and powerful technical expansion capabilities, but also brings more development experience upgrades, enabling developers to carry out more in-depth and extensive technological innovation and product development based on Huawei’s Whole House Intelligence Platform, and promote the continuous progress of the entire space intelligence industry. At the sub-forum, Huawei Whole House Intelligence announced the developer support platform that is expected to be launched at the end of the year. It will efficiently support partner developers from the whole process of development materials, integration tools, testing and verification, and practice more space intelligence topics.

Facing the spatial intelligence industry, Huawei Whole House Intelligence has taken a step further and continued to deepen the northward opening of Whole House Intelligence. Huawei Whole House Intelligence is based on the existing cloud, local, central control screen interfaces and the newly opened App H5 interface, and opens interfaces to real estate, hotels, offices, schools, medical care and other industries, allowing partners to combine industry characteristics, integrate data, and develop space applications. The Hongmeng NEXT version also brings more imagination to the spatial intelligence practice of eco-manufacturers. Industry partners can quickly present functions to customers through open APIs with Torah’s "0 code" ability, as well as new high-frequency function service cards, and high-end exquisite interaction design.

For designers, Huawei’s whole-house smart "Lego building block" product architecture provides them with sufficient design space. Flexible and customizable product architecture allows designers to create a unique and high-end smart space according to their own creativity and customer needs.

Technical and product support for the industry, developers, and designers will undoubtedly become a direct experience for consumers. At the sub-forum, Huawei Whole House Intelligence introduced two examples of "smart sleep" and "health care solutions" with the theme of "advanced sense of space" and "application of whole house intelligent technology innovation field". Through the smart sleep case, Huawei Whole House Intelligence shows the systematic application of whole house intelligence in the bedroom environment, showing care for people at different stages from helping sleep, sleeping, waking up at night, and waking up in the morning. The AI health care solution launched by Huawei Whole House Intelligence relies on millimeter wave technology and cutting-edge AI algorithms to accurately monitor the status of the elderly in multiple scenarios, such as falling, sleeping, leaving the bed, falling from the bed, etc.

Write at the end

In the exploration of the development direction of Huawei Whole House Intelligence, through technological innovation, it endows people with emotional value in space, making space intelligence not only a pile of equipment, but also a lifestyle improvement. At a critical moment in the era of space intelligence, Huawei Whole House Intelligence once again demonstrated its forward-looking and leading power, pointing out the direction for the entire industry, and bringing unlimited opportunities to developers, industry applications and designers in related fields.