Ask the world M9, Huawei’s masterpiece of hard core technology

Based on the new D-class luxury platform, it targets the high-end market in terms of design, space, control, configuration, and many other aspects. The official market positioning for it is to bring a new all-scene intelligent experience in smart cockpit, smart driving, and smart safety.


The M9 has higher requirements at the "intelligence" level of the whole vehicle in order to establish a flagship position.


At present, the M9 is in the stage of gradually releasing product information, and the first thing we learned is its design results. At the first public appearance tasting of the M9, the design team introduced the new car’s styling concept in detail.


According to the introduction, the design team of Wenjie M9 believes that in the era of smart travel, the design of automobiles has changed, and designs with affinity, life, and high intelligence are more in line with the pursuit of the smart age.


Therefore, on the basis of the design language of Q & A, Q & A M9 introduced a new family design language, taking the design concept of aesthetic integration of humanities and technology as the starting point, and opened the era of intelligent aesthetic design of Q & A series.

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In the eyes of most consumers, the design of a car is nothing more than to make it look better, but in addition to its aesthetic value, the design is also related to the vehicle’s spatial performance, energy efficiency, and so on.


An intelligent design not only looks good and is easy to use, but also shows the emotional nature of the car.


And this is exactly what consumers demand for smart cars in the era of smart travel – cars are no longer just means of transportation, but should be significant others that can bring a warmer travel experience in all aspects.


The M9 is a model that has made great efforts in intelligent design.


Kunpeng expands its wings, Chinese aesthetics interprets the new flagship realm


Qinjie M9 originated in China, and its design first reflects the characteristics of Chinese culture. Its design inspiration comes from "Kunpeng Zhi, Boundary Unbounded".


The Kunpeng in Chinese mythology is the Kun in the water and the Peng in the sky. It has the courage to "hit 3,000 miles with water" and is ready to go, as well as the heroism to "soar up 90,000 miles" and explore the sky.

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What we often call "Kunpeng’s Vision" represents the spirit of humanistic exploration with lofty goals, a symbol of wisdom and realm reaching a higher level. And by presenting this spirit in the design, the purpose of integrating emotion into technology is achieved.


The design team said that this design concept allows the Qinjie M9 to display the image of "high intelligent life" while having a majestic visual beauty.


The front face design of the M9 adopts the attitude of "comfortable, expanding and rising" when Kunpeng spreads its wings and flies. At the same time, it is also function-oriented and experience-driven, incorporating functions such as daytime running lights, far and near light headlights, intelligent interactive headlights, and air intake ducts. This appearance like Kunpeng’s wings creates a distinct visual tension.

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On the body surface, the shape of "You Kun" is imagined as streamlined lines, and the light-plastic curved surface design can appear delicate and neat under various light and shadow effects. In addition, hidden door handles, flat side windows, etc. further improve the smooth and smooth visual experience.


This kind of fluid aesthetics not only has the visual effect, but also brings a breakthrough in aerodynamics, achieving the optimal drag coefficient of the same level, effectively reducing energy consumption and improving battery life, and achieving a balance between aesthetic experience and aerodynamic performance.

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In the rear of the M9, the integrated spoiler tail with a through taillight design is also very full. The taillight is connected to the raised waist line behind the body, making the entire tail design rich in layers. Under the strong styling, the appearance of the entire body is harmonious and unified.


With simplicity as beauty, create the most beautiful "skyline" of the body


In terms of styling design, Wenjie M9 adopts the aesthetic principle of "extreme, simplicity and purity", which not only meets the aesthetic needs of smart cars in the era of smart travel, but also reflects the solemn flagship style and fits the younger market trend.


Huawei officials said that whether it is mobile phones, automobiles or any other field, Huawei’s aesthetic principle has never changed, that is, simplicity is beauty.


According to the designers, in their aesthetic philosophy, it is necessary to get rid of cookie-cutter and complex designs, and simplicity is the beauty that can stand the test of time. This is Huawei’s insight into the most essential needs of users for products.

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Therefore, the entire process led by Huawei’s design team, the Q-World M9, has cut out the trivial and useless details, and the entire body is outlined in a pure and minimalist beauty.


On the side of the car body of the Q Jie M9, the most distinctive design is that it has a very recognizable "skyline".


This water cut line from the front straight to the tail neatly divides the entire body into two, and the upper and lower parts are also painted in separate colors. This two-tone body is a configuration that can only be owned by flagship luxury models.


In terms of visual experience, this design makes the body more slender, emphasizing the size advantage and luxurious atmosphere of the new car.

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In terms of engineering value, the water cut line brings a good view to the cockpit, and the "daylight rate" of the entire cockpit is as high as 80%, allowing users in each row of seats to enjoy the scenery.


According to the official introduction, the design of the "Skyline" that divides the body into two interprets the dual product appeal of the Wenjie M9 – above the "Skyline", there is an intelligent cockpit and comfortable space, which brings a wide field of vision and luxury experience; below the "Skyline", there is a new intelligent driving platform, with the most intelligent driving experience.


People-oriented, cars become significant other


Making the car a "significant other" is the ultimate goal of smart cars.


How can it be achieved? The answer lies in making the car show the characteristics that can interact with people, opening up the channel of "interaction", and the smart car will have the color of life.


In this regard, Qinjie officials said that the design of Qinjie M9 revolves around "people" and serves functionality above aesthetics. Using the design of inside-out integration, form follows function, highlighting the concept of people-oriented.

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Taking the smart headlights equipped with the Wenjie M9 as an example, it can realize the function of human-vehicle interaction, making the headlights not just a lighting tool, but a carrier for "communication" between people and cars.


With more than 20 years of technology accumulation in the field of optical communication, the Q-Jie M9 integrates megapixel headlights such as HUAWEI XPIXEL, ADB, AFS headlights, ISD intelligent interactive lights, and aerodynamic air curtains.

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No matter the headlights or taillights, the simple one-line daytime running lights divide the headlights into two symmetrical parts, the upper lights provide lighting functions, and the ISD intelligent interactive lights below have multi-scene intelligent lamp language functions.


When charging, the ISD intelligent interactive light can display the remaining charging time; when camping outdoors and listening to music, there will be dynamic lighting effects to follow the rhythm; and when you need to change lanes and plug in a hurry, you can also light up the "love" light to express your gratitude to the car behind.


It is reported that this interactive function can also be adjusted according to user preferences, showing the characteristics of "thousands of cars and thousands of faces".


What’s more, this interactive experience not only adds fun and convenience to the car owner himself, but also takes care of other traffic participants, expanding the interaction efficiency between people and cars.

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In addition to the intelligence of the interaction level, the Qinjie M9 also shows "spatial intelligence" in the construction of the cockpit – reducing the space occupancy rate of the machine, improving the utilization rate of the riding space, and realizing the flagship space experience.


Designers believe that all beautiful designs should be based on the real needs and feelings of users, which is the true sense of "people-oriented".


In order to achieve this goal, the interior design principle of the M9 is to return as much space as possible to the occupant. Therefore, the space of the machine is compressed to a minimum, and the increased usable area allows the occupant to choose the use plan flexibly.


Although the product information released by the M9 has not yet included the interior of the cockpit, we cannot really see its actual appearance, but according to the official information, its interior design follows a symmetrical styling style, with soft lines, interpreting the beauty of "Zhongzheng Luxury".

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In addition, the cockpit will also be equipped with a OneGlass triple screen and a number of black technology configurations such as the light and shadow acoustic AI intelligence body "Star Ring Scatter", which will highlight the flagship technology intelligence attributes of the M9.


Smart Driving Review


The Q & A series empowered by Huawei technology has always performed well at the "wisdom" level. The landing of the flagship model Q & A M9 has made a lot of effort at this level.


Previously, the design goal of cars was to be as beautiful as possible and reflect the relevant product positioning. However, in the era of smart cars, car design has been given more connotations.


As far as the design results of the M9 are concerned, its design language reflects the inheritance of Chinese culture, establishing a new aesthetic realm and the popular trend of Chinese style, which not only better fits the aesthetics of Chinese consumers, but also benefits the long-term development of Chinese brands.


At the same time, the aesthetic design also shows more functionality, extending the design from "good-looking" to "easy to use", using the design to enhance the practical value of the car, thereby optimizing the consumer experience. This is the sublimation that smart cars should have compared to traditional cars.

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Although the appearance of the M9 is still a bit of a "pipa half-covered" charm, the cabin interior, Zhilian configuration, etc. have not been made public, but only from the design level has already revealed the tip of the iceberg, allowing us to see the new highlights brought by this carefully crafted new flagship.


And this also makes us look forward to the release of real hard-core technology configurations such as smart cockpit and intelligent driving control in the future.


2023 is approaching the end of the year, and this Huawei "final masterpiece" with a price range of 50-600,000 will also be officially launched. I believe that with the continuous advancement of the landing time of the Q Jie M9, more configuration information of this new car will gradually be exposed, which will bring more new surprises. We believe that the concept of "good-looking and better-to-use" and "people-oriented" of the Q Jie M9 will not only be limited to the appearance design, but also run through the entire car, thus establishing an unprecedented new luxury concept. Overall, the Q Jie M9 is worth looking forward to.