Being honored by single men and women all over the country, how can this top-notch online celebrity still collapse?

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"I want to keep the pure land in the small teahouse, but I can’t do anything about it."

Colorful costume, wearing a big red flower, river ‍ Wang Po, the martial arts city of Longevity Mountain in South Kaifeng, has become a love witness of single young people, but Wang Po, who has not been popular for long, has been walking on thin ice recently.

The reason is that a man made a blind date at the stage of "Wang Po Matchmaker", saying that he could quit his job for love and go to Sichuan where the woman was located. While everyone was still moved by love, it was revealed that the man was married.

The topic of "Married man dating in Wang Po, wife collapsing and getting a marriage certificate" quickly rushed to the hot search, which triggered a huge public opinion on the Internet.

Everyone has condemned the irresponsible behavior of married men, and at the same time, they are worried about the future of "Wang Po matchmaking": a good blind date platform will be destroyed like this?

/"Wang Po" cheated by a married man,

Are you going to fall off the altar? /

On March 30th, a girl from Sichuan hoped to find her home on the stage of "Wang Po matchmaking" in Kaifeng.

Liu, a girl from Ningxia, raised her hand vigorously under the stage, then ran onto the stage to express her appreciation for the Sichuan girl, and said that she was willing to quit her present job and go to Sichuan "for love", and then left each other WeChat.

Everyone cheered for Liu’s bravery and called this scene "Running for Love".

I thought it was a sweet love story, but it didn’t take long for the story to reverse.

After the video became popular, his wife, Xue Mou, appeared on the online platform and got their marriage certificate, saying that she and Liu were married and were studying in Japan, but her husband cheated on her, making her "unable to stop crying".

It turns out that Liu is not single.

Xue said that she and her husband are childhood friends and have always had a good relationship. Because they went abroad to study, in order to reassure Liu, they secretly got a marriage certificate before going abroad.

In Liu’s response, he admitted the fact that he was married and apologized to Wang Po and the Sichuan girl:

"I originally planned to get married with my wife at the end of the year, but because of a quarrel with my wife in a video chat, I made an impulse to go on stage for blind date."

Everything is for my own fun, and I want to make my wife early in this way ‍ Point back.

However, his betrayal caused harm to his wife. Xue got a ticket to return to China on April 11th, saying that he wanted to divorce Liu.

Because of disrespect for feelings and marriage, "running for love" eventually turned into a marriage crisis.

Who would have thought that a married man would go on a blind date? If it weren’t for the supervision of the Internet, this Sichuan girl would have been "mistress". Wang Po, a kind-hearted matchmaker, naturally lay his gun down innocently, because before the married man came on stage, Wang Po also confirmed to him whether he was single or not.

On the evening of March 31, "Wang Po" also responded to this matter during the live broadcast:

"I want to keep my small stage pure land. If there are friends or husbands and wives, don’t join in the fun there, and leave the time for those who really need it. If people who have contacts come up again, they will be ruined for the rest of their lives."

Wang Po doesn’t have a script, but it’s really impossible to prevent someone from bringing a script. After the explosion of "Wang Po Matchmaker", there are always some people who want to get a share of the traffic.

A single guy stayed at the scene for four days, and finally made friends, but was told by the other party that he didn’t want to continue to develop:

Before, a female online celebrity ran to the stage for a blind date, because she had a microphone pinned to her collar and a camera pointed at her, and Wang Po caught her on the spot and ousted her from the stage. There was also a male online celebrity who repeatedly rubbed traffic on the stage for the second time and was recognized by Wang Po to persuade her to leave.

Online celebrity’s traffic is light, and some people cheat under the banner of Wang Po.

It forced Kaifeng Longevity Mountain Martial Arts City to issue a statement, and Kaifeng Wang Po also solemnly promised that he would not engage in any commercial activities with fans. Wang Po said in the live broadcast room that he had been engaged in live broadcast with goods for two years before, and now he is afraid to live broadcast with goods for fear of being said.

After the "Wang Po matchmaking" became popular, many voices of doubt and opposition appeared on the Internet. Some people think this performance is vulgar;

Some people question the authenticity of blind date and think that it is all for hype:

In fact, these questioning voices are only a small part, and most people understand Wang Po. Especially for identifying whether she is really single, some netizens said: This is Wang Po, not a witch.

"Wang Po Matchmaker" only provides a platform for making friends, and we have to distinguish it by ourselves. Moreover, everyone can see Wang Po’s sincerity, but there are too many people on stage every day. There is no good way to distinguish whether he is single or not, and everything depends on his conscience.

/Pink 5 million,

"National foster mother" holds the traffic password /

Today’s Wang Po is a new top stream. As long as you open the short video platform, you can see her, and the topic continues to rise, with 6.6 billion views, which has become a phenomenal hot spot.

In just over ten days, the number of fans of the personal social account "Kaifeng Wang Po" soared from 186,700 to 5,864,000, which was really an overnight explosion.

When this young man mentioned blind date, it was hard and soft. Why did Kaifeng Wang Po set off this wave of love frenzy?

Wang Po, whose real name is Zhao Mei, has been playing "Wang Po" in Long Live Mountain for six years. At first, this program spread Kaifeng’s "Song Wenhua" by interacting with the audience.

▲ Legend: Wang Po’s video screenshot three years ago.

Wang Po introduced in the live broadcast that it is his extra job to help everyone on a blind date, with the aim of giving single men and women a chance to find a partner. Young Wang Po’s attitude towards love is also a brave pursuit. According to "Kaifeng Wang Po", when she was young, she worked in Luoyang Glass Factory, which was an iron rice bowl, and she was also rich and beautiful.

There were many suitors, but they didn’t like each other. Later, when they met their current husbands, they took the initiative to pursue each other. "At first glance, this is my Mr Right." There was no bride price, and they started from scratch. Later, in order to support her husband’s career, she quit her iron rice bowl in Luoyang and came to Kaifeng. Now they have been together for 40 years.

In daily life, the husband and wife sing along with each other, and the days are very unhappy.

Although "he is ugly and bald in his thirties", Wang Po thinks that personality is more important than appearance, and what is important is that her husband is very talented.

Wang Po’s good eloquence is influenced by her family. Her husband is a cross talk actor, poplar, and her father-in-law is even worse. She is a respected Yang Baozhang in the phonology world. According to seniority, Degang Guo has to call Wang Po "Shi Auntie".

"Love doesn’t talk about being suitable, but happiness is good." Although he is 61 years old, Wang Po still insists on the love concept of brave pursuit of love as in those years, and passes this concept on to young people.

At the matchmaking scene, Wang Po will encourage young people to boldly open wheat and bravely show their love:

"There is no shame in being rejected."

"Everyone has the right to love and be loved. Come on, baby!"

Because many famous scenes were inadvertently created, fans made videos and posted them on social platforms, which eventually promoted the explosion of "Wang Po Media" in the whole network. Wang Po himself was affectionately called "national foster mother" by everyone.

Offline is a sea of people, crowded with tourists coming for Wang Po. She needs bodyguards to clear the way to and from work, and single dog all over the country is probably rushing here, right?

"There is no medium that the foster mother can’t say, and the matching degree is extremely high." Say what you like, and hold hands when appropriate. "Wang Po Matchmaker" focuses on a direct and efficient way, which can be called the object of on-site distribution.

It’s really "no one worships in front of the Temple of the Old Moon, and the threshold of Wang Po is broken". "Wang Po’s matchmaking" has brought freshness to contemporary young people, so it is inevitable that people will question whether the scene of fire explosion is supported. Wang Po responded that:

"There is no child care, and there is no fake to create a live effect. They are all people I don’t know, and they are all people who call on the spot."

Nowadays, although all kinds of dating programs and dating apps emerge one after another, they all treat dating as a business. It is really rare for Wang Po to simply help young people get rid of their bills.

/Refuse middlemen to earn the difference,

How difficult is it for young people to talk about pure love? /

I have to say that the taste of money in the marriage and love market has become stronger and stronger in recent years.

Let’s not say that dozens or even millions of bridesmaids are repeatedly called, and all kinds of businesses under the name of blind date are becoming more and more rampant. In this process, it is necessary to prevent being dug by thunder, which really makes young people who want to end their singles feel tired.

In the early years, a number of marriage and love programs for young people became popular in David, such as If You Are the One, The Covenant of Roses and One in a Hundred.

Especially "If You Are the One" has been on fire for 10 years. I believe everyone has the day to watch "If You Are the One" with their parents. Although the ratings are staggering, how many single men and women really have the courage to go on blind dates on the show?

The program group will definitely audition, but not every man and woman who wants to find friends will be arranged by the program group. In order to have better traffic and ratings, some dog blood plots and confusing speeches are usually designed.

Some time ago, Mano, a female guest of "If You Are the One" who boarded a hot search in Weibo, suffered an online storm because of a sentence "I’d better sit in a BMW and cry".

In the interview, Mano revealed that everything was a script. For dating programs, it doesn’t matter whether you can find the other half or not as long as the ratings are high and topical.

Similarly, there are those dating websites, which need to be recharged by thousands at every turn. Although big data can do everything, it can match one in a few seconds, but all kinds of contract terms are flickering, and money is spent, but it can’t match a suitable person.

The normal demand for marriage and love has become a market for businesses to make money. Young people who have learned the illusory love of the Internet realize that "there is no love on the Internet".

It really cost money and delayed the time to find someone.

There are also many routines in the offline dating bureau. Do you think that the other party is trying their best to seduce you and wants to spend a lifetime with you? In fact, the other party just wants to do a business with you:

Also be careful of unscrupulous matchmakers. Some people package words in order to revitalize their resources:

There are also blind date bureaus that have thresholds, such as the high-end blind date bureaus with assets of 50 million that have caused discussion throughout the network:

If such a blind date bureau wants to participate, the boys’ assets are more than 50 million, and the girls are young, beautiful and highly educated. Before participating, the boys need to verify the capital and the girls need an interview.

Even the aunts and grandmothers who have been guarding the park’s blind date corner all the year round have set a threshold for their children’s mate selection.

In a variety show, female star Chen Xiaoyun strayed into Beijing’s blind date corner, because Gao Yan was asked by her aunt: Do you have a Beijing hukou? Do you have a room in Beijing? Is it a master’s degree?

After some questioning, Chen Xiaoyun, who only has a bachelor’s degree, can’t even reach the threshold of entering the blind date group:

"Five groups are all foreign. You can’t get into the second group, which are all masters and doctors studying abroad … "

In the clearly marked blind date market, there is a blind date contempt chain: 985 and 211 don’t look up to ordinary undergraduates; Those with Beijing hukou despise those from other places; Those with a face value of more than 8 points don’t like 5 points. Talking about education, income and registered permanent residence ….. but not about love, it is these rigid standards that bury the love of young people.

Venus said in the blind date program "Hello Your Other Half" hosted by her that you should feel that person, not the standard.

Facing the love dilemma of single men and women, it is necessary to have a platform to provide conditions for single men and women to go in both directions.

Compared with the blind date corner and online dating software occupied by aunts and uncles, "Wang Po Matchmaker" has no routine and no charge. This model makes everyone return to the demand for marriage and love itself, and it must be said that it is sought after by young people for a reason.

According to "Wang Po", all the 500 blind date groups organized by her have reached five, "all young people who can’t fall in love".

Wang Po gave his own advice: If you don’t associate, you will never meet the right person.

Skip the process of clearly marking the price and show yourself generously. In fact, talking about love is not as complicated as imagined. "I hope to win the hearts of one person, so as to avoid the old blind date." Compared with waiting for fate in the same place, blind date can at least broaden my social circle.

At present, some public opinions always like to create an anxious atmosphere of young people’s "fear of marriage, unwilling to get married", and the popularity of "Wang Po" just shows that it is not that young people are unwilling to get married, but that the general environment has not created a chance and confidence for single young people to start their love.

Love and marriage cannot be accommodated, but with the right person, who wants to die alone? May all lovers meet, and all shall be well.