Compared with the Star Age ES of 198,800, Xiaomi SU7 has many routines, and it still needs a little "temperature".

Since the development of China brand new energy vehicles broke out, consumers’ expectations for buying cars have also increased. The original high-end configuration of luxury fuel vehicles with a price of more than 500,000 yuan has now been lowered to the level of 200,000 yuan by China New Energy Vehicles, which can be described as the old Wang Xietang’s flying into the homes of ordinary people.

For example, Star Road Star Age ES comes standard with CDC+ air suspension (except for the national tide version), while all other models except the entry-level models are built on the 800V high-voltage electrical platform, which has raised the quality-price ratio, technology and experience to a new height and set a new standard for product value.

Interestingly, Xiaomi SU7, a new model in the field of 200,000, was reported with greater expectations. As one of the hottest electric vehicles at the moment, consumers have always been extremely eager for Xiaomi SU7 to reproduce the ultimate cost performance of Xiaomi 1 mobile phone. From the new car project to the exposure, the speculation about configuration and price has never stopped.

However, after the official price and configuration of Xiaomi SU7 were announced, it was somewhat sorry for the high expectations of the outside world, and it was also sorry for the brand design of "Xiaomi". Specifically, Xiaomi SU7 is "complete" only with the top model, equipped with 800V platform +CDC+ air suspension, while the two models with medium and low models are still 400V platform, and there is no CDC+ air suspension. I have to say that Xiaomi, who has been selling mobile phones for many years, is really exquisite in knife cutting.

But the car market is not the mobile phone market. Compared with Xiaomi SU7, there are models like Xingyue ES. Even if there is more traffic and more routines, it is difficult to hide the dilemma of lack of value and sincerity.

Million-class chassis of Xingyue ES

In a sense, the Star Age ES is an epoch-making model. Why give it such a high evaluation?

In a previous public authoritative survey that invited the media of the three countries, Xingjiyuan ES competed with Mercedes-Benz S-Class, BMW 7 Series and Audi A8L, and the final result was greatly unexpected. The performance of Star Age ES in the dimensions of power, difficulty relief, stability and quietness is not only inferior to that of three million-class luxury cars, but also better in some dimensions.

This excellent experience, which is comparable to one million, does not match the price of 200,000 yuan. Isn’t it the performance that Xiaomi SU7 should show in the minds of many Xiaomi fans?

However, the chassis of Xiaomi SU7′ s mid-low model is not equipped with CDC+ air suspension. That is to say, the chassis of these two models with a price of 215,900 yuan and 245,900 yuan are basically equivalent to the conventional fuel B-class car, and the experience is similar.

No matter what kind and degree the car develops, travel is always the first attribute. A pair of advanced and excellent chassis has a fundamental improvement on driving comfort. It has to be said that compared with the price of less than 200,000 yuan and the million-level driving experience of Xingyuan ES, the hard power of Xiaomi SU7 still has much room for improvement.

800V technology is far more than "fast charging"

After talking about the chassis, let’s talk about the 800V high-voltage electrical platform that has been fully popularized in electric vehicles this year.

On the surface, the advantage of 800V high-voltage electrical platform is that it can greatly improve the charging speed. But in fact, the intrinsic value of this technology goes far beyond this.

First of all, compared with the 400V platform, 800V can effectively reduce the size of the battery pack, but still ensure excellent cruising range. It not only helps to reduce the vehicle weight, but also improves the power performance and energy utilization.

Secondly, the high-voltage characteristic of 800V can also make the cross-sectional area of wire harness and bus smaller, thus further reducing the weight of the vehicle and improving the lightweight level of the vehicle, thus improving the handling texture of the vehicle, which is also very helpful to improve the cruising range.

More importantly, the 800V high-voltage system can also reduce the current of the motor and inverter and reduce the internal power loss, thus improving the energy efficiency performance of the whole vehicle.

In addition, the 800V system can also support more advanced control strategies. For example, the CDC active chassis system and the high-voltage battery pack can achieve coordinated control, which greatly improves the handling stability and driving pleasure of the vehicle.

It can be seen that the 800V platform is not only a simple "fast charging", but also involves all levels of vehicle architecture, power system and even chassis system, which can bring significant performance and experience improvement to users.

After doing so much popular science, let’s look at Xingyue ES and Xiaomi SU7. The former paid 800V from 200,000 yuan, while the latter paid nearly 300,000 yuan to get 800 V.. The price difference is nearly 100,000 yuan, which means that it also costs 200,000 yuan to buy a car. The technology and experience of Xingjiyuan ES are one generation ahead of Xiaomi SU7.

In the future, 800V charging piles will become more and more popular. At that time, consumers who buy low-grade millet SU7 and users of Xingyuan ES will enjoy a completely different charging experience. The former looks at the pile and sighs, and the car is out of date. The latter is one step at a time.

The difference of quality assurance policies reflects the gap of brand strength.

After talking about the difference between the two cars representing high-value hard-core products, let’s talk about service. In fact, this is also the hidden advantage of the era ES.

Starway provides a lifetime warranty for the three-electric+air suspension of Star Age ES. Let’s not talk about Sandian. Now many new brands offer lifetime warranty, but they also offer lifetime warranty for air suspension. Xingjiyuan ES is one of the few models.

I believe that many consumers who have bought traditional luxury brands with air suspension models know that once the mileage is high, the failure rate of air suspension will begin to increase. But at this time, the vehicle is often out of insurance. Once the air suspension is broken, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan or even more to replace the assembly.

Star Road Auto seems to have taken this into consideration. Since Star Era ES is equipped with an air suspension, it will give users lifelong protection, fully exempting them from worries.

Let’s take a look at Xiaomi’s warranty policy. It not only ignores the air suspension, but also guarantees the core three-power system for 8 years or 160,000 kilometers. This is not even comparable to many new brands, which will undoubtedly increase users’ long-term car use. Worry will also affect the rate of second-hand car maintenance.

In fact, for mid-to-high-end electric vehicles, the quality assurance policy is often one of the most important concerns of consumers. Because it not only affects the use cost, but also reflects the brand’s confidence in its own technical strength.

The reason why Xiaomi is conservative in quality assurance may also reflect Xiaomi’s "lack of confidence" in the technical reliability of new energy vehicles. After all, Xiaomi has only been building a car for three years, and it knows that it is impossible to control the quality of production and supply in a mature way.

On the contrary, Star Age ES dares to provide lifetime warranty for core components, which fully demonstrates Star Road’s profound skills in building cars and its mature and highly self-controlled supply chain system backed by the powerful Chery Group.

Buying a car and a big factory is a natural and simple idea of every consumer. Although Xiaomi has traffic, the traffic does not improve the reliability of the product. Compared with the mature and stable Star Age ES, the reliability of Xiaomi SU7 needs a lot of verification, and there is still a long way to go before the "lifetime warranty".


Through the above analysis, we can find that there is a big gap between Xiaomi SU7 and Xingjiyuan ES in key technology configuration and quality assurance policy.

Of course, it can be said that if Xiaomi SU7 sells for 200,000 yuan, it will provide 200,000 yuan luxury car experience, which is understandable. However, in the current automobile market environment, consumers’ appetite has been hung so high that it is impossible to go down any more. The two models of Xiaomi SU7 are obviously lacking in sincerity, and the top models are on the high side.

Or it can be said that this pricing and allocation strategy is intentional by Xiaomi, just to sell the top match. But in this case, with the pearl jade like Xingyue ES in the front, the middle and low-end models of Xiaomi SU7 will lose their living space, and those consumers in unknown so will also become "XX", thus losing their trust and support for Xiaomi.

I have to say that the logic of selling cars and mobile phones is completely different. A high sense of value, such as Star Age ES, without routines is what consumers are happy to see and support with real money.