Hardcore "domestic product" is priced at 999999 yuan. Netizen: It has been added, but…


16 Great Power Heavy Equipment

Centralized listing on the e-commerce platform

One price 999999 yuan

Tip "You can add it, don’t buy it"

Users lamented

This time it’s not "too advanced to show"

but"World leader, specially displayed"

In the store of "State-owned Assets Xiaoxin" in the news center of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

You can see these.

Carrying technology and people’s livelihood

Hardcore "domestic"

Of 16 products

There are 9 products labeled

"First in China" or "First in the World" label

4 products are labeled

The title of "largest in China" or "largest in the world"


Known as "mobile nuclear power bank"

The world’s first small modular reactor on land

"Linglong One"

draw attention

Users said that this "power bank"

It can completely solve the anxiety of mobile phone battery.

I saw someone say they want to use the phone.

Users immediately refuted

"Linglong No. 1" sends one day of electricity, which is enough for the mobile phone to last 200,000 years

This is not a "power bank", this is clearly a "family heirloom"

This time, there is also "Straight-20" from "20 Families".

netizens shout

"When will the new’H-20 ‘be released?"

"No bad reviews for the J-20"

Facing these hard-core "domestic products"

And people went to watch.

The price is not the price, let’s not talk about whether you can buy it or not.

Just put it in the shopping cart

The mood is inexplicably good

Some netizens even asked "souls":

"I wonder if there is a free shopping cart activity?"

Don’t say

The editor watched the blood boil

I also want to squat online

Big Country Heavy Equipment empties the shopping cart for free.

Big country heavy equipment on TaobaoWhat does it show?

Show great confidence

Our country has turned to a high-quality development stage, and the most essential feature of building a new development pattern is to achieve a high level of self-reliance and self-improvement. HoweverTo achieve high-level technological self-reliance, technological confidence is essentialIn the new round of global scientific and technological revolution cycle, facing unprecedented and complex challenges, only countries and nations that have established scientific and technological self-confidence can pursue excellence without fear of challenges, explore the unknown without fear of difficulties, and open up without fear of competition and win-win results. The 16 heavy weapons of major powers are themselves the products of self-reliance and self-improvement, condensing China’s ability and strength of "intelligent manufacturing".Placing them on the mass online shopping platform shows the innovative spirit and climbing spirit of the Chinese peopleIt also nurtured the public’s strong confidence in China’s overall scientific and technological innovation strength in the relaxed and happy "playing stalks".

Show broad "money scene"

Online shopping is a big country, although it is just "playing tricks" now, it is not far from realization. The e-commerce penetration rate of our country’s retail market is increasing year by year. In 2022, the national online retail sales of physical goods reached 11.96 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.2% year-on-year, accounting for 27.2% of the total retail sales of social consumer goods. In sharp contrast, in the middle and upper reaches of the manufacturing industry, industrial product sales and procurement are still dominated by traditional offline distribution, and the degree of digitalization is obviously insufficient. ButThe online market for industrial products has been growing rapidly, presenting significant development potential that cannot be ignored.Taking Taobao as an example, the current Taobao Tmall industrial product category is complete, the volume of goods has reached 400 million, and the annual online transaction volume has exceeded 120 billion yuan.

China’s manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for 13 consecutive years. The scale of the industrial supplies market is extremely large, the industrial chain is complex and lengthy, the upstream and downstream are scattered, and the pain points in the procurement process are prominent, and the supply and demand are easily mismatched. With the rapid development of big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies and their deep integration with the real economy, the industrial Internet sales platform will reshape the enterprise form, supply chain and industrial chain, especially in some long-tail markets with relatively scattered resources, which can significantly improve the matching degree between supply and demand, so that industrial product procurement and end point retail are no longer "separate". Now, we can already buy a lot of industrial products from online platforms, from small to different types of screw caps to large to more than ten tons of construction machinery.The powerful tools displayed by the e-commerce platformLet’s see the bright future of hard-core domestic products deploying resources and expanding markets globally through online platforms.

It is believed that in the near future, hard-core domestic products will change from display products to real purchasable products, and Chinese industrial products will also use the Internet to navigate the vast sea of stars.

Hardcore "domestic"

Come on!!