Helping to strengthen the travel ecosystem Autonavi serves more than 150 upstream and downstream enterprises in Sichuan

Financial Investment Network News (Reporter, Liu Min)A few days ago, the seminar on "Promoting the Integration of Data and Reality and Promoting the Regional Economy" was held in Chengdu. Autonavi’s relevant person in charge revealed at the meeting that Autonavi actively participates in the digital transformation of Sichuan travel enterprises and helps Sichuan strengthen the travel ecology. As of now, it has served more than 150 upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain.

At present, our country is accelerating the construction of a transportation powerhouse, and major platforms are also establishing an integrated service platform based on transportation. On the industrial side, the aggregation platform brings together global enterprises, and promotes the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy by opening up map navigation, platform traffic and other capabilities.

It is understood that in 2017, Autonavi Map pioneered an aggregation model to provide ride-hailing information matching services for travel service companies and passengers. At present, Meituan, Baidu, Tencent, Huawei and other platform companies have launched aggregation platforms to provide users with "one-click ride-hailing" services on the one hand, and fully open technology and traffic to the travel industry on the other.

As one of the first Internet platform companies to participate in the demonstration construction of a transportation powerhouse, Autonavi Maps is committed to building an integrated travel service platform, fully opening up platform traffic, map navigation, smart transportation and other technical capabilities to the travel industry. Under the aggregation model, the ecological partners that provide ride-hailing services on Autonavi Maps have experienced a compound growth rate of more than 100% in the past three years, and more than 100 cooperative online ride-hailing platforms have exceeded 100,000 monthly peak orders.

In Sichuan, some local companies have developed rapidly with the help of aggregation platforms. Zhao Tong, general manager of "Pegasus Travel", introduced that the company obtained the Chengdu online car-hailing business license in 2020, and then connected to the aggregation platform. "The aggregation platform opens up technology and traffic, which helps us a lot." At present, the company has been online in more than 20 cities across the country, and the order volume has increased threefold, generating nearly 8,000 driver employment opportunities, and some drivers’ monthly income is tens of thousands of yuan. Chengdu’s "Peitu Travel" connected to the aggregation platform in May this year. In the past six months, the average daily order volume has increased tenfold.

Sichuan is a major transportation province, and the travel ecology is prosperous. According to the economic operation data of Chengdu in the first half of the year released recently, the added value of the service industry accounts for 68.3% of the total economic volume, contributing more than 90% to economic growth. It is the main engine of the city’s economic growth.

At the seminar, Wang Rujun, a deputy to the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress, said that the aggregation model has solved the employment problem very well. "Many travel companies have developed here, which has solved the local employment problem very well. The aggregation platform also allows the service quality of various travel companies to be compared, making their services more refined and efficient, which will promote the development of the industry."