Test drive NIO EC6: NOP pilot auxiliary features how fragrant?

In the new energy vehicle market, the slogans of each car company are different. Definitions are all kinds of strange, and each has its own ideas. Some "sacrifice themselves" for environmental protection, some "care about everything" for fuel consumption, and some "whimsical" for smart travel. Of course, there are some chives that are cut, but in the end they don’t get it, which is even less worth mentioning.

New energy vehicles have been developing in China for ten years. What kind of new energy vehicles do users need? For a certain period of time, there are still car companies that have not yet figured it out, resulting in chaos in the initial five years. In fact, the times have torn a hole for new energy, so that they can adapt to the development of the times, rather than occupy the wave of the times, and then pat their butts and leave after harvesting a wave. To borrow a phrase, there are only heroes of the times, and there is no era of heroes.

Then, as the country adjusts its energy structure, the pace and route of advancement become clearer, and it is crucial for major automakers to identify their positioning. Ten years after the development of new energy vehicles, one of the automakers is increasingly attracting capital attention, and that is automobiles.

At the beginning of the birth of the car, there were a series of controversial topics. As one of the new forces in domestic car manufacturing, it was commercially launched in December 2017, and the subsequent topic reached its peak. So far, three commercial vehicles, ES8, ES6 and EC6, have been launched. In addition, charging services have been provided, and BAAS battery services have been proposed. For cars, it is a new energy vehicle company that has gradually grown in controversy.

However, setting aside the "topic" of the car, we can experience the charm of the brand’s cars by approaching the brand’s models from the user’s perspective. Recently, I had the opportunity to test drive the coupe EC6. For the EC6, I just want to say that it is a luxury and evolvable smart coupe SUV.

In fact, our test drive experience EC6 is specially for the NOP function. In October, the car will push the latest version of NIO OS 2.7.0 system to users batch by batch through FOTA. Users who choose the NIO Pilot full package will get the NOP function after this update. NOP is called pilot auxiliary feature in Chinese. It is a driving auxiliary feature that combines various functions of the navigation system, high-precision map and NIO Pilot automatic driving assistance system.

Yes, the NOP Pilot auxiliary feature is only a driving auxiliary feature, not a fully automated driving assistance, which is specifically stated here. Pilot assistance can realize speed control, distance maintenance, steering assistance and turn signal control on "designated" highways, and follow and overtake according to the route planned by the navigation. The whole process cannot leave the steering wheel, but it can free up the feet.

How does the NOP pilot auxiliary feature operate during driving? In fact, the whole process is very simple. The entire NOP pilot auxiliary feature is integrated on the left hand side of the steering wheel, and the blue button in the middle is on/off; the upper left/lower left of the functional area is to adjust the following speed; the upper right/lower right of the functional area is to adjust the following distance (segment). Using the NOP pilot function, first drive according to the navigation route and turn it on and use it normally on the designated highway. There are various options for exiting the operation: 1. Press the middle blue on/off button; 2. Press the brake pedal; 3. Force the steering wheel to take over; 4. Exit the navigation, etc.

Among them, when the NOP pilot auxiliary feature is turned on, the LCD instrument panel will have blue "READY" English and dynamic screens, and the information is clear and concise.

Throughout the test drive, we set off from the Guangzhou Experience Center to Guangzhou University Town, and got on the high-speed full-time experience of NOP pilot auxiliary features. Overall experience feeling, NOP pilot auxiliary settings are still relatively conservative, and the car is handled very carefully during the whole process of following and changing lanes. Only under the premise of confirming 100% safety will we choose to change lanes or overtake the car.

In fact, how to understand the relatively safe "conservative" setting of NOP pilot assistance? The reason is that when we (the driver) subjectively feel that overtaking or lane change is feasible, the EC6 still waits for the right moment slowly. During the entire lane change or overtaking process, the linear power output is maintained, and there is no sudden braking or rapid acceleration. Since the development of intelligent travel, cars have achieved a relative balance between safety and comfort. At the same time, it can be clearly felt that the car’s pole scale tends to the "safe" side. In the current use environment, this approach is worthy of recognition.

Of course, EC6 not only has intelligent driving auxiliary features, but also has many highlights in other aspects. For example, in terms of space creation, EC6’s panoramic sunroof adopts double-layer high-strength tempered glass with a total area of 2.1 square meters. This sunroof can isolate more than 83% of heat and 99.9% of ultraviolet rays. With Haptex ? and fabric inlaid seats, the interior of the car creates a stylish and warm comfortable experience. There is no doubt that in terms of luxury experience creation, EC6 is worthy of praise.

In terms of power, the EC6 inherits the family’s high-performance genes, providing three versions (signature version, performance version, sports version) of the motor with a total power of 320kW and 400kW, capable of achieving a 100-kilometer acceleration in 5.4 seconds or 4.5 seconds. In terms of battery life, the EC6 provides four battery life options of 430km, 440km, 605km and 615km, which can meet the needs of users with different needs.

In the end, what kind of pure electric coupe do consumers want? Looking at the market is not difficult, EC6 has given a good answer. And in November 2020, EC6 delivered a total of 1,518 new cars, an increase of 71.9% month-on-month, firmly ranking among the top sales of high-end coupe SUVs. It is believed that with the release of production capacity, EC6 sales may further increase.