Will your mood brighten when you get this taxi with flowers?

  "When I came home from the night shift, I met this smiling little brother who liked to start work with flowers. He said that all kinds of flowers were planted outside the courtyard of his hometown in Shaanxi, and a lot of flowers were planted in the rental place in Hangzhou. The night breeze was cool, and the hard work of the day was gone, and it felt very healing…" Late the night before yesterday, Ms. Zhang from Hangzhou took a taxi home after the night shift, got a special taxi, and sent one to Moments.

  Yesterday evening, this brother went to work again.

  What kind of taxi is this? What kind of person is the driver brother who can cure others? The Qianjiang Evening News reporter made an appointment with him last night and took a ride in his car.

  From the first day as a full-time driver

  He brought flowers to the car

  "Come on up." His brother called the reporter to get on the bus. This little brother’s name was Chen Haijun, and he was actually not young, he was over 40. Master Chen was of medium stature and spoke very gently.

  "I work the night shift, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.," Mr. Chen said. He used to go to the gym to work out, but now he goes to the park to run and play ball after work. Of course, he also has a hobby, "I like flowers and plants since I was a child."

  In his hometown in Shaanxi, Master Chen had a garden of more than 20 square meters. His father planted all kinds of flowers, such as moon and moon red, peonies, and morning glory. Even if there were no conditions to plant flowers in the rental house in Hangzhou, he would still raise some good-looking bamboo and dill indoors.

  In the early 2000s, Chen Haijun came to Hangzhou from his hometown in Shaanxi and worked as a security guard. Because he liked driving, he learned to drive and became a brother.

  From his first day as a full-time driver, Chen Haijun will bring flowers to the car. "Not only can you be happy, but there is also a faint fragrance of flowers, and the atmosphere in the car will be instantly vivid because of the flowers," Chen Haijun said.

  After driving for 17 years, Chen Haijun would bring a few clusters of flowers to the car every day and put them on the shelf in front of the co-pilot. Yesterday, he brought lilies, orchids, carnations, etc., pink and red, warm and beautiful.

  "These are a few varieties that I often bring," Mr. Chen said, noting that most of the flowers came from friends who own florists.

  Flowers become a bond

  Let him communicate better with passengers

  The flowers are in the car, and the female passengers and children will feel a little surprised as soon as they get on the bus.

  "Today, I actually got such a great taxi!" Once, Chen Haijun picked up an elderly female passenger in the Daguan community. The female passenger said that she had been unlucky this week and was in a bad mood, but if she could get to his car, she thought it would be transferred.

  Half a year later, I actually received the female passenger again. "Master, it’s really fate, we met again. After taking your car that day, I really transferred and made some money." After the female passenger got off the bus, he paid 200 yuan for the fare. Chen Haijun was a little confused at the time, "Flowers brought her good luck, and they also brought me good luck."

  Some patients who came out of the hospital, seeing flowers on his car, deliberately bypassed the cars in front of them and came to take his car. "I feel embarrassed because of this," Chen Haijun said.

  Once, he picked up an old couple at the Provincial People’s Hospital. The old man had just been discharged from the hospital and was going to Gongbei Residential Area. After getting into the car, the old man was very happy to see the pink lilies and red carnations. After getting out of the car, Chen Haijun learned that the old man lived on the third floor and it was difficult to go upstairs, so without saying a word, he carried the old man upstairs.

  The grandmother was very moved and wrote down Chen Haijun’s mobile phone number.

  After about 10 days, he received a call from his grandmother, asking him not to drive a taxi, "It’s too hard to do this, I have a friend who needs a full-time driver, you can go to his place to drive." Knowing that it was a good intention, but Chen Haijun expressed that he preferred to drive a taxi and declined politely.

  In the dead of night, "Master, I’m in a bad mood today. Your flowers make me feel that life is still beautiful." Hearing the words of the passenger, Chen Haijun felt a little warm.

  On several occasions, the female passengers couldn’t put it down and would ask him for some to take away.

  Laughing and flower-loving driver

  I like to help people.

  In Chen Haijun’s car, there are not only flowers, but also candy and small pendants. The red rope pendant is very festive. "Some children like it when they see it, and I will give it to them." Chen Haijun said that he will specially choose mints and tangerine peel candies for candies. In the evening, some guests come out of KTV and sing uncomfortably, so they will take one.

  In addition, the car is also equipped with various types of mobile phone charging cables, wind oil essence, vomiting bags, and other items commonly needed by passengers.

  In the interview, the reporter learned that Chen Haijun once encountered a worker whose hand was cut by a saw while working on the construction site. "At that time, blood flowed all the way, and my heart seemed to be dripping blood." Chen Haijun recalled. When he arrived at the hospital, the man said he was in a hurry and did not bring his mobile phone or money. Chen Haijun not only did not ask for the money for the car, but also helped him in, registered him, and paid for the medical expenses.

  Chen Haijun also met a stranger who was walking on the road with heavy snow near the Chinese New Year. He clearly remembered that the male passenger was carrying a snakeskin bag, wearing a pair of cloth shoes with exposed toes, and wearing three Mao suits inside and out. When he got off at the train station to pay, the male passenger took out a brand new 20 yuan from the innermost Mao suit and handed it to him, saying that there was no need to look for it. "If I hadn’t met you, I wouldn’t have been able to catch the train home." After accepting the money and driving for a while, Chen Haijun felt very guilty, "It doesn’t look easy for him to come out to work, how can I overcharge him?" So he turned around and returned, finally found the passenger at the train station, and stuffed the 20 yuan back.

  There are passengers to catch trains, planes, and hospitals, but there are long queues at intersections and they may be late. Chen Haijun will also cut the queue, but every time he cuts the queue, he will roll down the window and tell the driver in the lane the reason for cutting the queue. "The other party usually lets me, so there are fewer accidents."

  Over the years, because of Chen Haijun’s popularity, he had accumulated a group of regular customers. Before, there was no online taxi-hailing, and some passengers would call him directly when they wanted to take a taxi. He remembered that once, because he was doing business outside, it took an hour or two to rush to the regular customer. Even so, the regular customer was still willing to wait for him to pick him up.

  "My wife was also introduced by the passengers." Chen Haijun smiled embarrassedly.

  "Getting into a taxi with flowers and meeting a simple and smiling brother, everyone will feel like a spring breeze," said one of his old passengers.

  Our reporter, Sun Yan