Is Yang Mi greasy?

Teacher Wen/Ya

Yang Mi, a representative figure in the 85 flowers, if it comes to actual performance, I am afraid there is no public opinion, but in terms of topic, Yang Mi is undoubtedly the first in the fault.

Since her debut, Yang Mi has had many topics and negative labels on her body, but as she has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, most of them have been resolved by her self-deprecation or high emotional intelligence response. Especially after she ended her last marriage, Yang Mi’s Internet reputation did not drop but rose, and everyone looked forward to seeing how Yang Mi, who became the imperial sister, broadened her career.

In 2022, the two head variety shows "Flowers and Youth 4" and "The Secret Room Escape 4" made Yang Mi hot, and then, the rumors of her "divorce" with Jiaxing also made fans shout "finally no milk drama, milk newcomers", and in November, Yang Mi starred in two dramas "Thank You Doctor" and "The 28 Law of Love" were broadcast one after another, one CCTV eight sets of stars, one is Tencent’s S + project, which are all important projects. In addition, the pace of Yang Mi’s film and television works has slowed down in recent years. Fans and many netizens are looking forward to these two dramas.

"Flowers and Boys 4" stills

Especially in "The Eighth Law of Love", Yang Mi joined hands with Xu Kai to stage the plot of the sister and the little milk dog that fans most want to see. Unexpectedly, after the show was broadcast, Yang Mi’s performance in the play received "greasy" comments.There are even many netizens who believe that she and Zhang Han’s performance in "Gentlemen of the East Eighth District" are tied and won the title of "Female Zhang Han".

You know, Yang Mi used to be the "oil removal expert" of internal entertainment, why is he now facing the "oil" trial?

I just want the male and female protagonists to fall in love well

"The Eighth Law of Love" is a long-awaited work by both Yang Mi and Xu Kai fans. Yang Mi plays an elite lawyer, Qin Shi, in the play, with outstanding ability. At the age of 32, she chose to change jobs, but was rejected by many law firms because she was unmarried and unpregnant. In order for Qin Shi to find a job smoothly, her master lied that she was married and had children, so she entered the law firm where she is now working, and spent two years to prove her ability. She even has the opportunity to become a law firm partner. The character in the play is completely beautiful "ambitious" who does not give up after aiming for the goal.

Xu Kai plays her fictional husband, who graduated from Fudan, has a high IQ and is sensitive to numbers, but does not want to work. He usually relies on stock trading for his income, and is a "herbivorous man" who lives with low desire.

The two began a typical "love after marriage" story by chance.

"The Eighth Law of Love" stills

The evaluation of Yang Mi’s "greasy" mainly focuses on when the drama first goes LIVE, and focuses on the following points:

First, the behavior is greasy.In the scene where the male and female protagonist first met, the husband in the heroine’s fictional novel suddenly appeared in front of her, and in a hurry, she kissed the other party directly in order not to be exposed. If the gender is reversed, this is a proper sexual harassment behavior. This is also one of the lightning points that the show went LIVE was initially criticized by netizens.

The second is that she is dressed inappropriately in the play.The heroine’s profession is a lawyer, but Yang Mi’s clothes in the play are a little too ostentatious. In the first four episodes alone, she changed 15 sets of clothes, like Yang Mi’s "Miracle Nikki", which is not close to the real lawyer.

Third, it is said that Yang Mi’s acting is greasy.In the play, Yang Mi sometimes has to show his aura, sometimes his beauty, and sometimes he has to pretend to be weak, pouting and coquettish, which has caused discomfort in some audiences.

The fourth is also related to the acting skills of the starring actors. Some netizens believe that there is no CP feeling between Yang Mi and Xu Kai, and "Sister and Brother Love" performed "Aunt and Nephew Sense".

If you try to divide the responsibility among these "greasy points" criticized by the audience,The screenwriter should bear a lot of responsibility for the plot setting.

"The Eighth Law of Love" stills

For example, letting the heroine kiss the male lead, for example, the female lead will suddenly gain value in the conversation, and proving her professional strength can only be achieved through value, these are all caused by the lack of screenwriting ability. The screenwriter may want to make the male and female lead reach a "contract" as soon as possible, and give the audience candy at the beginning of Go LIVE, but the bridge design can indeed be more delicate.

As for the second point, regarding costumes and props. It’s not to excuse the show, but in the field of domestic dramas, the audience should have realized a long time ago that they can identify which industry dramas are trying to show the industry (whether they have done it or not), and which industry dramas just want the protagonist to change his skin and fall in love. If "Thank You Doctor" can be counted as the former, then "The Eighth Law of Love" obviously belongs to the latter, frankly.

This can be seen at a glance from the delicate double posters and promotional materials of the play. Some viewers said that they had seen "Tiny Times" immediately. Yes, the show’s display of the industry is indeed on the same level as "Tiny Times".

Therefore, the service of the play,Especially Yang Mi’s clothing and makeup are mainly to show the beauty of his sister and to prepare for the male and female protagonists to fall in love.From this perspective, Yang Mi has both workplace suits and gorgeous dress skirts in the play, as well as casual home clothes. A few dresses can be worn directly on the red carpet. Whether professional suits can really provide reference for women in the legal profession is a matter of time, but it is bright enough to provide Xiaohongshu users with a lot of material. As a fashion drama, it is also qualified.

"The Eighth Law of Love" by Yang Mi Makeup

The reason why the audience feels that there is some oil is related to the play’s bright colors, the protagonist’s high-saturation clothing, heavy makeup, and the places where they enter and exitFor example, the hotel lobby, model rooms and light office buildings, when these elements are combined, it is easy to make people feel "oily".

Yang Mi was placed in this kind of background plate, and it was difficult to refresh.

So,If "The Eighth Law of Love" is regarded as an industry drama, the image of Yang Mi’s elite female lawyer in the drama will definitely make many practitioners clench their fists, but only as a fast-moving entertainment product, the drama has achieved the passing line.

Yang Mi plays a "Yang Mi meal replacement" for fans to see

Back to the role of Qin Shi played by Yang Mi in the play, it seems that the audience’s evaluation of this role is polarized, which is too normal.

Because…Qin Shi is undoubtedly the most suitable role for Yang Mi in her career so far.

Previously, some media had mentioned that Yang Mi and the producer of the play, Teng Huatao, had known each other for a long time, but this was the first time they had collaborated. This time, Teng Huatao directly sent the script to Yang Mi himself because the role was too close to her.

What kind of person is Qin Shi?

Not only would he act coquettishly towards his boyfriend, but he would also pretend to be good in front of the female boss. For his competitor, another woman in the same law firm, even if the relationship was tense, could wink at him and say "I love you".This kind of sly and charming appearance is what Yang Mi has seen in the face of the media or in the recording of many entertainment variety shows.

"The Eighth Law of Love" stills

As a topic queen who can succeed Ms. Fan, Yang Mi’s personal image is very distinct and can develop with the times.

Although she became popular by playing little Guo Xiang in Zhang Ji’s version of "The Condor Hero", this role is a red dress, innocent, and Guo Xiang’s success has given Yang Mi the image of a girl with vitality, but in fact she was more interested in the role of Guo Fu at the beginning. Guo Fu was much more controversial than Guo Xiang, but the color was also much stronger.

Yang Mineng has always been in the top position, on the one hand because 85 flowers have won a lot of era dividends, especially the dividend of Internet traffic, on the other hand, her personal image or personality is also constantly evolving.From a lazy little fox to a sweet wife, a mother with an A4 waist and comic legs, and now her sister, a clear-headed, golden-spoken queen of entertainment, she has turned crises into new characters again and again.

Instead of saying that Yang Mi is playing Qin Shi, it is better to say that fans can directly treat Qin Shi as Yang Mi’s meal replacement. Qin Shi’s many gestures are Yang Mi’s own small actions. The evaluation of Qin Shi is naturally the same as the evaluation of Yang Mi, red and black.

It was originally a good thing for actors to get a role that suited them.

"The Eighth Law of Love" stills

And the drama ****, the setting of elite women and small milk dogs not only caters to the call of the big female protagonist in the current era atmosphere, but also caters to the expectations of the outside world for Yang Mi after divorce as a middle-aged woman and a big flower, while engaging in career and love. The partner of the male protagonist Xu Kai is also one of the children who have had a good flow in recent years, at least not like Liu Shishi’s partner Liu Yuning, which has aroused strong disgust from fans.

But why when the drama goes LIVE, the discussion is not as hot and positive as imagined?

As far as her acting skills were concerned, Yang Mi’s performance in "The Eighth Law of Love" was her normal performance. After all, most passers-by had long stopped expecting Yang Mi’s acting skills.In many places in the play, Yang Mi can indeed see a kind of fatigue, and with the plot of the previous episodes, it gives people a feeling of "oil on the outside and dry on the inside".

In fact, this year, 36-year-old Yang Mi plays a role similar to her own age. She is also a well-maintained female star who entertains with beauty. It stands to reason that there is no original sin of forcibly pretending to be tender.The dissatisfaction of some viewers, as well as the fatigue felt by everyone, may come from a dislocation.

Source: Yang Mi Weibo

Even though Yang Mi had already started to play the role of a female, the play also involved unfair treatment and marriage problems encountered by women in the workplace, but Qin Shi did not really need to solve these problems, just like Yang Mi was over 35 years old, although she was the mother of a child, but it did not make people feel that these things were really related to her.

This might be the backlash brought by the girl’s sense. When they reached a border, whether they stayed on the girl’s side or crossed that line, they would take risks. If they wanted both sides at the same time, they would be walking a tightrope.

If there really is a Qin Shi in the world, the workplace dilemma she is facing is obviously not something that can be solved by falling in love with a young boy.

Just like Yang Mi, who is 85 flowers, wanting to solve the bottleneck of his career or maintain his current status cannot be solved by starring in a modern idol drama with his own hands.