Cold observation under high temperature: Who made the delivery guy "run all the way"?

  Xinhua News Agency, Jinan, July 26 Question: Cold observation in high temperature: Who made the delivery guy "run all the way"?

  Xinhua News Agency "China Network" reporters Yu Xiaozhong, Wang Zhi, Shao Kun, Wang Yang

  Worried that the food delivery truck would be towed away, he knelt down and begged for mercy in the street in a hurry; he sent multiple orders in the high temperature, and fainted from heatstroke during the delivery; he was worried that the delivery would be timed out, so he stomped his feet and cried in a hurry… "Kneel", "dizzy" and "cry", reflecting the hardships of the group life of the delivery brother, which made many netizens leave messages "so distressed".

  The takeaway industry is one of the many sub-industries that have been spawned by the fast-growing Internet economy. Many city residents have become loyal fans of takeout, especially in the heat of summer. So, what exactly makes the takeaway brother "running all the way" unable to stop? What are the bitterness and bitterness of them that are not known to ordinary people? A reporter from "China Network News" interviewed about this.

  "Which delivery guy doesn’t violate the rules?"

  In the motor vehicle lanes, takeaway cars and express vehicles speed through the traffic, go against the traffic intersection, run red lights, and accidents caused by illegal driving occasionally occur; in commercial blocks and office buildings, takeaway cars and express vehicles are parked indiscriminately, occupying sidewalks and blind lanes, and can be seen everywhere.

  While delivery and express delivery brings convenience to people’s lives, violations of traffic rules are common in major and medium-sized cities. Since the beginning of this year, traffic police and urban management departments in Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan and other places have taken delivery and express delivery vehicles retrograde, running red lights, and illegal parking as the focus of rectification.

  The scene of the delivery brother kneeling and pleading took place in the bustling Quancheng Road Commercial Street in Jinan. At that time, the traffic in the neighborhood was heavy, the food delivery truck was parked on the prohibited sidewalk, and the parking manager was about to tow the car away. The delivery brother knelt down in the street in a hurry, which was heartbreaking.

  Li Jun, a taxi driver in Jinan, said that compared with pedestrians jaywalking, the most troublesome thing is the electric car that delivers food. "Suddenly one jumps out, which is scary and very dangerous."

  Knowing that it is dangerous to run a red light and go retrograde, many people still take risks in order to grab time. Lu Yongquan, the delivery brother, said: "Which delivery person doesn’t run a red light or go retrograde? But when going retrograde, he is very nervous when he sees the car coming from the opposite side."

  Traffic violations such as running red lights and going retrograde may be commonplace for delivery workers, but they bring inconvenience to citizens. Ms. Li, who lives near Shanshui RT-Mart in Jinan City, said that many delivery electric vehicles are parked on the sidewalks and non-motorized roads near the flavor snack street every evening, and some delivery workers are also retrograde while looking at their mobile phones. "Every day I pass by here, I am extra careful, afraid of being hit."

  In the week from the end of May to the beginning of June this year, only the Jinan 12345 citizen service hotline received an average of more than 5 complaints per day about such problems. A large number of traffic violations not only cause inconvenience to others, but also pose a risk to the riders’ own safety.

  Who made the delivery guy "run all the way"?

  Our country’s "General Technical Conditions for Electric Bicycles" stipulates that the maximum speed of electric bicycles should not exceed 20 km/h. But the actual situation is that the takeaway brother is rushing all the way, seeing the stitches, sometimes faster than the motor vehicle.

  What exactly is urging the delivery brother to run wild? "We are under pressure on both ends: one is the consumer, who can’t wait to receive the delivery as soon as he places an order; the other is the delivery platform, which requires delivery on time within the specified time, otherwise there will be severe penalties." Zheng Qiangsheng, the delivery brother, said.

  In the "fast is the time" rule, the delivery time limit has become a "high-voltage line" on the head of the takeaway brother. The staff of the public relations department of told reporters that according to the number of dishes ordered by customers, the distance, the weather conditions, the speed of the merchant’s meal delivery time, etc., the background of the ordering platform will calculate an estimated time. If the time limit is more than 10%, the delivery staff will be deducted.

  Compared with being punished for traffic violations, the delivery brother is more worried about being punished by the delivery platform. Every day from 5pm to 10pm, Lu Yongquan can deliver more than a dozen orders, earning 60 or 70 yuan. Lu Yongquan said that 50 yuan will be deducted at a time for overtime, and if you forget to order "picked up meal" after picking up the meal from the merchant, you will also be deducted money for customer complaints. "When I delivered takeout full-time, I only earned 200 yuan a day. If you time out twice a day, the day is basically in vain."

  They are also afraid of customers giving bad reviews. "Once you give a bad review, the day will be in vain." In addition, most takeaway ordering platforms encourage riders to send more. The more orders you send, the more commission you get. In order to deliver more takeout, Lu Yongquan, like most takeaway brothers, rides an electric car while staring at his mobile phone. "In order to send a few more orders along the way, you have to keep refreshing on your mobile phone, and grab them as soon as there are nearby or passing orders," he said. "So sometimes customers see on the mobile phone map that the rider is already very close to them, but it is farther away in a while, so it is likely to be to pick up the order by the way." Lu Yongquan said.

  The takeaway brother is so hard, how much is the salary, really like the legendary "monthly salary easily over 10,000"? According to the "2017 China E-commerce Logistics and Express Practitioner Survey Report" released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, among the e-commerce logistics and express practitioners in our country, 74.6% have an average monthly income of 3,001 to 5,000 yuan, and 20.44% have an average monthly income of 5,001 to 8,000 yuan. At the same time, 62.2% of people work an average of 8-10 hours a day, 24.46% have 10-12 hours, and 13.34% have more than 12 hours. Most takeaway brothers and express brothers earn less than 5,000 yuan a month, earning hard money.

  Can the takeaway be delivered "fast" and "happy"?

  Industry experts believe that the e-commerce logistics and express delivery industry, as an emerging business, is undergoing a transformation from extensive to refined and standardized development, which not only tests the management level of industry enterprises, but also requires the efforts of the government, enterprises and consumers to achieve a more convenient and orderly urban life.

  A person in charge of a large domestic courier company believes that there are indeed problems in the management of couriers in the courier logistics industry at present. On the one hand, most logistics courier enterprises are franchise-based enterprises, with many layers of personnel, wide sources of delivery personnel, young age, and poor awareness of the rule of law. On the other hand, the logistics courier industry has high timeliness requirements, and the workload allocated to each delivery staff is very large. In Shanghai, many couriers have to deliver two or three hundred couriers a day, which is a tight time and a heavy task.

  "This has led some couriers to violate traffic rules in a hurry, planting hidden dangers for road traffic and their own safety. The rigidity of city management cannot be changed, and it is the way couriers manage their employees that needs to be rethought," the person in charge said.

  On the one hand, while increasing penalties for illegal acts, traffic management departments should scientifically delineate non-motor vehicle parking points and standardize the parking order of express vehicles. On the other hand, e-commerce logistics and express delivery enterprises need to practice "internal skills", strengthen the training and management of personnel traffic safety, improve personnel’s safety awareness, law-abiding awareness, and abandon the state of unruly.

  At the same time, courier companies and food delivery platforms should implement more humane management to avoid excessive penalties. Baidu Takeaway said it would consider making suggestions to local distribution departments to modify the average delivery time.

  "Social tolerance and understanding are particularly important for couriers and delivery guys." Wang Zhongwu, a professor of sociology at Shandong University, believes that it is better for consumers to give them three or five more minutes, so that they will no longer run red lights just to grab a minute. More tolerance and understanding will make the whole society warmer.

  Zhang Yu, an office worker in Jinan who often orders takeout, said: "We can’t be so cold in the heat. When the delivery guy smiles and hopes to’give a good review ‘, it’s just a matter of flicking our fingers for us, and it may be a day’s salary for them."

  The reporter noticed that WeChat Moments was often forwarded recently: "It’s not easy to appeal to everyone not to urge orders, not to give bad reviews, understanding and respect are essential qualities for everyone, please respect every worker in every industry." There are also consumers who specially prepared mineral water to treat the courier brother in the high temperature…

  A smile, a thank you, and a good review are the greatest greetings and affirmations to these "runners" in the high temperature!