Can a takeaway store "open where you want"? The reporter of the main station investigates the "ghost store" on the spot →

In life, many people have become accustomed to ordering takeout. The reporter’s investigation found that there are many "ghost takeout" and "shadow stores" on the takeout platform. If you actually look at the address displayed on the takeout platform, you will find that "there is no such store", and the business license can also be applied at will. According to a person familiar with the matter, there is a set of online store chain that "escorts" illegal takeout stores.You can bypass the rules and regulations of food delivery platforms, open stores by applying, falsifying licenses, and even let these stores "open wherever you want" on the map.

   How did the "ghost store" start?

  Mr. Zhang opened a number of catering stores on the Meituan takeaway platform, claiming to have conflicts of interest with Meituan. He called the news hotline of the Voice of China at 400-800-0088 to break the news:Opening fake takeaway stores on the takeaway platform has formed a mature industrial chain.

  Mr. Zhang said he had been running Meituan stores for four or five years, and opened "ghost takeaway stores" for fast food purchases such as Pizza Hut and Starbucks. In front of reporters, Mr. Zhang logged into a takeaway store he opened called "Longmen Shrimp Bureau. Lobster. Grill". The store address is in Hanlin Guantian Community, Qiaoxi District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, and consumers can place orders for the store’s dishes on the platform.

  The left side is seen by the reporter’s mobile phone on the Meituan App, and the right side is the "Longmen Shrimp Bureau" store displayed by Mr. Zhang’s mobile phone in the background.

  In fact, this address is not the barbecue restaurant opened by Mr. Zhang. He told reporters that when registering the store, he used the business license of the local food stall – Qiaoxi District Qianxi Tibetan Food Restaurant. The actual operator of the restaurant is surnamed Wang. To open a store, the operator needs to take a photo with a personal ID card. When Mr. Zhang’s store passes the review, the identity information of "Guo Xiang" is uploaded; in addition, the operator who signed the "Platform Merchant Entry Service Framework Agreement" is named "Feng Chuang".

The photo of the so-called operator’s handheld ID card that has passed the platform review

  The operator who actually signed the contract is named Feng Chuang

Throughout the process, the names of three different operators appeared, but the actual operator of the store on the takeaway platform was Mr. Zhang himself.

  According to the requirements of the takeaway platform, to register a takeaway store, you need to provide a business license, a food business license, a photo of the front and back of the legal representative or operator holding the ID card, and a photo of the front face and environment of the physical store. How did Mr. Zhang’s "ghost store" start?

Reporter:What are your business qualifications?

Mr Zhang:You can see that it is not from me, Meituan will pass it for you, and many qualifications in it are fake. I will provide a positioning.

Mr. Zhang’s opening history

  In order to prove that there are many such cases, Mr. Zhang showed the reporter another one of his "mature stores": a Pizza Hut shopping agency in Hefei, Anhui Province, named "PizzaHut Home Express Delivery".

Mr. Zhang’s Pizza Hut Shop

  The store logo uses the trademark of Pizza Hut. The store uses the qualification information of "Zhu Guangyu Hot Pot Restaurant in Shushan District, Hefei City", and the actual legal representative is surnamed Cao. When passing the store review, the operator holding the ID card photo is named "Niu Huaiyu".

  Mr. Zhang said that he did not know through what channel the food delivery store operators got so many photos of hand-held ID cards and business licenses.But every time you pick a random location, as long as there is commercial activity nearby, you can almost bypass the review

Mr Zhang:Send a location directly saying that you want to open a store here, including ID information, and everything does not need to be provided. "Open on behalf of" can bypass this link and open a store for you directly.

  Then, the reporter tried to locate the address in the center of Hefei, found Mr. Zhang’s store and placed an order, randomly filling in a Hefei delivery address.

The reporter places an order, and Mr. Zhang’s store accepts the order.

  When the reporter placed the order, Mr. Zhang was with the reporter in Beijing. How did he deliver the pizza ordered in the Hefei store to the customer?

  It turned out that his goods were priced higher than the original price, but the delivery range was larger.He usually buys Pizza Hut coupons online, places an order at a regular Pizza Hut store, and then finds a rider to deliver errands from the delivery platform, allowing him to remotely deliver Pizza Hut pizza to customers.

  Open a store on behalf of the buyer, resurrect a offline store, and issue a PS business license on behalf of the buyer.

  onlyYou can do it if you want to pay "on behalf of you".

  According to Mr. Zhang’s introduction, the reporter also found a store that claimed to be able to open Meituan and takeaway stores on Taobao, Salted Fish and other platforms.As long as they pay, they can open stores, resurrect offline stores, and issue PS business licenses."The old store is renovated, one store is opened more, any store can be done, it’s all written like this. If there are too many people opening, everything can be solved for you, as long as you give money."

  A seller told reporters that the cost of opening catering stores is relatively high, requiring 1,000-1,600 yuan, and retail stores cost 400-500 yuan. Platforms with stricter audits need to find someone to take a photo with an ID card and a piece of white paper.They will PS the white paper into a business license, and platforms with less strict review can directly apply other people’s licenses without providing anything.

The distributor asks for photos to forge.

Open a merchant quotation on behalf of the buyer.

  That is to say,According to this process, send a map to these sellers, and they can "package and send" the takeaway store to the people who pay to open the "ghost store".After opening a store, you can do illegal buying business like Mr. Zhang, or you can directly use it as a catering "black workshop" – why are black workshops that are frequently exposed in various places with dirty kitchens, substandard hygiene environments, and no formal doors or licenses? It is also one of the reasons why store opening business is so convenient.

  Mr. Zhang introduced,Although takeaway platforms are also cracking down on opening stores from time to time and processing them offline, these stores can always bypass the platform review mechanism and continue to open, and some offline stores can be revived

  Mr. Zhang showed the reporter the QR code of the business invitation sent to him by a number of people claiming to be the city area manager of the takeaway platform (Meituan).When he wants to open a "ghost takeaway store", he can scan the store manager’s QR code, even if he helps the manager complete the business.These so-called managers sometimes urge Mr. Zhang when the store is online and when he can help place a few more orders to help complete the assessment.

  The "self-proclaimed" takeaway platform manager urged Mr. Zhang to launch the store as soon as possible

  Mr. Zhang randomly gave the reporter a few accounts that had just been opened, such as the Chengdu Only cake creative Internet celebrity cake customization shop, which was claimed to be open in a street face on Siwei South Road, Qingyang District, Chengdu. However, the reporter’s on-the-spot visit revealed that the cake shop did not exist at all, but used the qualifications of the "Chaorong and Chaoshan Beef Hot Pot Restaurant" at this address. The person who passed the store opening review with the ID card photo was still the "Guo Xiang" who opened the store in Shijiazhuang.

The background information of Only Cake Shop

  At the hot pot restaurant, Ms. Li, the legal representative, was shocked to see the store page and other information presented by the reporter. The business license and food business license of this cake shop were exactly the same as those of Ms. Li’s hot pot restaurant.

Reporter:Only Cake Internet celebrity cake shop, this address is yours, right?

  Mrs. Li:Yes, he stole mine. Can this be reviewed? Others can get a business license at random, no matter what, without verifying, just find a network map, this is too irresponsible.

Only Cake Shop

  There is also a so-called luckindaicoffee coffee purchasing shop in Nanchang, which is qualified as a "breakfast shop". The breakfast shop operator said it had not operated for several years and had never provided a business license to anyone else.

License holder Ms. Jiang:It’s closed. It’s closed.

  Reporter:Did you know that your business license is registered for a coffee shop?

  License holder Ms. Jiang:I don’t know, I haven’t opened a store for two years. I’ll go and cancel my business license.

The coffee purchasing shop applies the qualification of a "breakfast shop"

  The store address is applied, the identity information of the legal person is applied, and the business license is also applied. For consumers, these key information are impossible to see on the takeaway platform. Order dishes, desserts, beverages, and coffee in such a store,No matter what problems they encounter, they cannot be traced back to the "ghost merchant".

The business license of the breakfast restaurant is applied

  According to the information provided by Mr. Zhang to the reporter, in order to show their "strength", the people who open takeaway stores have opened hundreds of stores under one account, many of which have been offline, indicating that while the platform is cracking down on this behavior, there are still people who can open illegal stores. How is this done? Why are "ghost takeaway" stores repeatedly banned? At present, the platform has not responded to the reporter’s interview, and China Voice will continue to pay attention.